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Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

Latest News

26th Oct 2023
🌟 The School Council decided to have 'Doughnuts and Dance' as the reward for...
25th Oct 2023
P6/7 children planned a PE Fun day for the P1-4 classes this week. They worked in...
24th Oct 2023
It's with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to Miss Brown. Miss Brown's last day...
24th Oct 2023
The P5's had great fun completing numeracy activities for maths week. Working in...
24th Oct 2023
It was wonderful to a very special visit from Arnold Beattie this week. Arnold was...
23rd Oct 2023
Today Mr Agnew and some students from Cookstown High School worked with P6/7 to do...
20th Oct 2023
This week the children in P2/3 went outside to collect materials to make some numbers. P2...
18th Oct 2023
P6/7 have been enjoying working through some Numeracy challenges over the last few...
18th Oct 2023
P4 used natural materials to make ‘magic squares’.  Every column...
17th Oct 2023
Today P4 visited Cookstown Library.   During their visit the pupils were set...