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Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

Welcome to The Coagh Primary School

On behalf of the staff, pupils and governors of Coagh Primary School I would like to welcome you to our website.

This site has been designed to give you all the essential information we think you may need to ensure you get a flavour of the wonderful pupils, staff and everyday life events associated with our school. Our aim is to share the many experiences the children enjoy and to demonstrate the high quality learning that takes place every day at Coagh Primary School.

We regard it as a privilege to share with parents, for a short time, the life and development of their children. We believe working in partnership with parents is at the core of success for all children and we hope this partnership proves to be a rewarding one for all.

We believe in a strong community ethos, where all stakeholders are listened to, respected and opinions valued. The children in our school are at the centre of everything we do. We celebrate the success of our children both inside and outside school.

The curriculum on offer at Coagh Primary is broad and balanced with a focus on the core skills of Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. Throughout their time at our school, pupils are equipped with a wide range of academic and life skills and are well prepared for the next phase of education when they finish P7.

No website can give you a complete feel for our ethos and atmosphere. Therefore, I would encourage you to to visit our school. Please feel welcome to join us at our annual Open Night or make an appointment to call and see us.

Mr. I. Bayne